Avertissement | Afin de savoir si les décisions recensées sous le règlement Bruxelles I restent pertinentes pour le règlement Bruxelles I bis, applicable à compter du 10/01/2015, il est recommandé de comparer les articles des deux règlements grâce au Tableau Panoramique.

Article 54

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1. If a judgment contains a measure or an order which is not known in the law of the Member State addressed, that measure or order shall, to the extent possible, be adapted to a measure or an order known in the law of that Member State which has equivalent effects attached to it and which pursues similar aims and interests.

Such adaptation shall not result in effects going beyond those provided for in the law of the Member State of origin.

2. Any party may challenge the adaptation of the measure or order before a court.

3. If necessary, the party invoking the judgment or seeking its enforcement may be required to provide a translation or a transliteration of the judgment.

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